This is an online E log book to discuss our patient\"s de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian\"s signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient\"s problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient\"s clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comments

A 45 year old male resident of Nalgonda labourer by occupation presented with chief complaint of : 

 • shortness of breath since 10 days  

 • Cough since 10 days 

 • Pedal edema since 10 days 

History of presenting illness  

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 10 days ago,then developed —

 • Grade III shortness of breath which was insidious in onset , nonprogressive,aggravated by walking and strenous work and dressing , relieved by sitting             

               There is history of orthopnea                        

               There is no history of PND 

 • Dry Cough since 10days which is insidious in onset , non progressive ,no aggrevating and relieving factors 

 • Grade III bilateral Pedal edema since 10 days which in insidious in onset , gradually progressive,pitting type , no aggravating and no relieving factors 

        . fever since 10 days which is insidious in onset ,with evening rise of temperature , intermittent , not associated with chills and rigors , headache , vomiting 

 • History of burning micturition and oliguria since 5 days 

 • There is no history of sweating , palpitations , chestpain , hematuria 

Past history 

 • 2 years back he developed symptoms of productive cough and fever for 1 week for which he visited to hospital and diagnosed with TUBERCULOSIS and took antitubercular drugs for 6 months and at that time he was told be having some kidney issues and used some medications ( records notavailable ) 

 • Not a known case of diabetes ,hypertension,asthma , convulsions

 • Surgical history is not significant.      

Family history 

          Not significant 

Personal history 

 • decreased appetite 

 • Mixed diet

 • Regular bowel habits and normal 

 • Patient has oliguria and burning micturition 

 • He is an alcoholic since 10 years , drinks once weekly 

 • Smoker since 25 years , he smokes daily 2-5 beedis 


   Patient is conscious coherent and cooperative , moderately built , moderately nourished 

 ⁃ Presence of pallor 

 ⁃ No icterus , no cyanosis, no clubbing ,no pedal edema 

 ⁃ No generalized lymphadenopathy     






 ⁃ Pulse taken in sitting position ,left radial pulse ,Pulse rate : 80bpm , regularly regular 

 ⁃ Bp 130/80 mm hg measured in sitting position on right upper arm 

 ⁃ Respiratory rate : 20cpm

 ⁃ Afebrile 




 Patient is examined in supine aswell as in sitting positions under well ventilated room with consent taken 

 Upper respiratory tract :

     nose , oral cavity are examined and no abnormal findings are present 

 examination of chest proper :


 ⁃ shape of chest : normal 

 ⁃ Symmetry of chest : symmetrical 

 ⁃ Trial sign negative 

 ⁃ Movements of chest : RR -20cpm .  

                         Type - abdomino thoracic.                        

  . Equal on both sides 

 ⁃ No involvement of accessory muscles and no intercoastal tenderness 

 ⁃ No visible scars , no sinuses , no engorged veins 

 ⁃ No deformities of spine 

 ⁃ No visible apical impulse 


 ⁃ No tenderness and no local rise of temperature 

 ⁃ Inspectory findings are confirmed

 ⁃ Trachea central 

 ⁃ Apex beat : felt at 5 th Intercoastal space medial to mid clavicular line

 ⁃ Decreased chest expansion 

 ⁃ Vocal fremitus : decreased at infra axillary and infra scapular areas on both sides normal on supra clavicular , infraclavicular ,mammary , infra mammary , suprascapular and interscapular areas 



Direct percussion: resonant on clavicle , sternum 

    2. Indirect percussion : 

  Anterior :

 ⁃ resonant in supra clavicular area 

 ⁃ Resonant in infraclavicular area 

 ⁃ Resonant in inframammary area on both sides 

 ⁃ Traube’s space:dull  

  Posterior :

 ⁃ Resonant in suprascapular area 

 ⁃ Resonant in interscapular area 

 ⁃ Dull in Infrascapular area on both sides 


 ⁃ Bilateral air entry present 

 ⁃ Normal vesicular breath sounds heard 

  Reduced in B/ L infrascapular and infra axillary areas 

        - fine crepts heard on B/L infra axillary and infra scapular areas 




 ⁃ S1 s2 heard 

 ⁃ No murmurs 

 ⁃ No palpable thrills 


 Scaphoid shape 

No tenderness 

No palpable mass 

No hepatosplenomagaly 

No ascites 

Bowel sounds present 


 ⁃ Conscious and alert 

 ⁃ Normal gait 

 ⁃ Normal speech 

 ⁃ No signs of meningeal irritation 

 ⁃ Cranial nerves , motor system , sensory 

 ⁃ Reflexes : superficial and deep tendon reflexes are intact 


 ⁃ CBP

 ⁃ CUE

 ⁃ Abg 

 ⁃ RFT 

 ⁃ LFT

 ⁃ PT


 ⁃ Blood sugar 

 ⁃ ESR 

 ⁃ Serum pottasium 

 ⁃ Blood culture 

 ⁃ Chest x ray 

 ⁃ Ecg 

 ⁃ Ultrasound abdomen 




Provisional diagnosis :ACUTE ON CHRONIC RENAL FAILURE with past history of pulmonary TUBERCULOSIS 


 ⁃ Salt and fluid restriction 

        Salt - < 2 g/ day 

        Fluid - < 1 lt / day 

 ⁃ Injection iv LASIX 40mg BD 

 ⁃ Tab NODOSIS 500mg bd 

 ⁃ Tab SHELCAL 500mg od

 ⁃ Input and output charting 

 ⁃ Bp pulse spo2 charting 



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